Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching is an Art of FacilitatingPerformance, Learning and Development of Coachee.

Mentoring is a person centered, relationship based process aimed at enabling and supporting a person achieves his/her goal – Personal or Professional. It is a thought provoking and creative process that inspires a person to maximize his/her personal and professional potential.

Anexion offers the following types of intervention ( Customized to Organization’s and Individual’s needs).

Mentoring Seminar

To develop Mentoring Competencies in the participants,and effectively engage high potential employees in forging mentoring relationships. Mentoring is a proven in-house talent development method. Building right competency for Modern Day Mentoring helps organization reap the extraordinary benefit of this initiative.

Executive Coaching

Coaching is partnering with clients / coachee in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Professional Coaching is an ongoing relationship, which focuses on the client taking action towards the realization of their vision, goal or desires. Coaching uses a process of inquiry and personal discovery to build the client’s level of awareness and responsibility, and provides structure, support and feedback. The Coaching process helps clients to both define and achieve professional and personal goals, faster and with more ease than is possible otherwise.

Manager To Coach

In this ever changing and ruthlessly challenging market, employees with right competencies hold the key to success. This puts lot of focus on internal talent development. The traditional management competencies address the current business requirements by focusing on operational efficiencies. However, it falls short in grooming the talent towards maximizing their potential. One time training program also does not help in long run. In-house Coaching addresses it.

The objective of this program is to develop coaching competencies among managers.